Articles tagged mmWave explained

  • Opening up UK 5G networks with millimetre wave

    by Mark Barrett

    Opening up UK 5G networks with millimetre wave

    A radical programme is opening up new ways to roll out 5G mobile networks in the UK, all the way from the radio front end through to the core network. The Open RAN (O-RAN) Alliance...

  • Programmability drives 5G open network development

    by Blu Wireless

    Programmability drives 5G open network development

    Closed networks are dead. To be effective, wireless networks increasingly have to be constructed from a range of technologies, protocols and frequency bands. One opportunity has been the opening up of the millimetre wave (mmWave)...

  • The power of flexible 5G networks

    by Blu Wireless

    The power of flexible 5G networks

    The latest generation of wireless technology marks a dramatic shift. Every new generation looks to increase the capacity and bandwidth of a fixed amount of spectrum. But the developers of 5G learned more lessons from...

  • The role of unlicensed mmWave in tomorrow’s networks

    by Blu Wireless

    The role of unlicensed mmWave in tomorrow’s networks

    Unlicensed frequency bands have been vital in the development of many successful radio technologies, from the Internet of Things (IoT) to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The next frontier is set to be the millimetre wave (mmWave)...

  • 5G Technology: A quick guide to mmWave

    by Blu Wireless

    5G Technology: A quick guide to mmWave

    5G is not one technology, it’s a collection of networking technologies, and Millimetre Wave (mmWave) provides the high-speed, multi-gigabit, carrier-grade link that can tie parts of it together. This is what truly separates 5G from...

  • The edge: Introducing 5G and infrastructure sharing

    by Blu Wireless

    The edge: Introducing 5G and infrastructure sharing

    Edge computing is opening up the door to the future of connectivity. Just as the cloud service expanded our mobile storage capabilities, edge computing is set to do the same for data processing. Playing a...
